New to Blogging and Earn From Blog?

Why Blogging to earn from and how to do that?
Earn From Blog is one of the easiest way to make money online I have ever found in my two years of experience in internet business. Why I like blogging so much is because it is damn easy, highly rewarding and really interesting that you can really enjoy working on your blog. I consider blogging as a fun than a business.
So where should you start?
Well, I know people always try to find the easiest and free way to earn money online, and hence I recommend you to start with the, the free blogging service from Google. Although there are many others like wordpress, but as a beginner i would recommend blogger as its very easy to learn and implement.
If you are really serious about your blogging business then you should consider having your own blog on your own private domain for having full control and ownership on what ever you do for your blogging bussiness (like this one, earnfromblog. org). Anyway, you can start with blogger in learning phase and then move to self hosted wordpress blog once you become proficient blogger.
What you can blog about?
Ok, you have registered you blog account with blogger and you are ready to start posting content on it, now what? You can ask few questions to your self to get your own answer. What you are proficient in? What you can teach your readers? What interest you more doing research, finding new things in it and posting about it daily?
If you are not sure, I recommend you to start with the subject which you are interested in more and which is from your field of experience. Your goal should be to solve the problems people are looking for on google.
How you can earn from blog you have just setup?
Once you start receiving traffic on your blog, you can monetize it with many of the available blog monetization methods, but I prefer google Adsense, as it is the only leading industry standard and it provides highest revenue as compared to other advertising networks.
You can have any of the following choices to generate revenue and earn from blog.
  • Sell advertising space.
  • Monetize with google Adsense or other PPC advertising network.
  • Sell blogroll links.
  • Sell Paid post or paid review on your blog.
  • Sell affiliated product which is closely related to your niche and is very useful for your visitors.

How to Make Your Blog Known Across the Internet

Blogging is such a good way to make money online that every single blogger wants to setup a full time online business with his blog and hence they keep finding the ways and strategies to make their blog known across the internet and make it more popular for better traffic from search engines.
If you are one of them and want to lift up your blog popularity, I am here to help you out. Basically there are many strategies that must be followed for successful blogging like good quality writing, but most important is the marketing of your blog. Because if people do not know about your blog, how they will find valuable information you are writing on your blog?
The best way to make your blog popular is to share it with online people. You can do this with any of the below blog marketing methods.
Article Marketing:
Do what I am doing here. I mean, share your blog contents to top most article directories like ezinearticles. The number of directories depends on your but must be around 15 to 20 to get enough exposure for your blog.
You might not be aware that article directories are used to re publish your content on many other similar websites and blogs. This helps you spread your blog content with backlink to your blog across the world and after years, you will have thousands of backlinks from thousands of similar blogs.
Social Media Marketing:
Give your blog a title name like “Make Money Online Guide” or “Guide to Earn Money Online” as I did. You this title name to create social media profiles like facebook, twitter and myspace. You can create up to 50 social media profiles in all different social sites. Give some time to these profiles to build social network, expand your friends and followers list and keep sharing your each blog posts with all your social profiles.
Do not forget to put social buttons on your blog posts so that your visitors can re share it in their social network if they like your content.
Forums and Discussion Groups:
What ever your blog niche is, you can definitely find top ranking discussion boards and forums in that niche. You can participate in discussion and improve your credibility by sharing your expert knowledge with the board members. Each forum post will display signature where you can put link to your blog with eye catching anchor text.
I think these three strategies if followed in right way, are enough to make you successful blogger and to help you generate income from your blog.


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